  • Comunicado Oficial Zamakona Yards Canarias


    Zamakonayards en Canarias ha sido considerado por el Departamento de Seguridad de la Autoridad Portuaria de Las Palmas como Instalación esencial dentro del Puerto de La Luz y de Las Palmas el cual es considerado una Instalación Crítica del Estado

    Como elemento esencial para la continuidad de los servicios de una Infraestructura Crítica del Estado Español, debemos permanecer abiertos y aportando nuestro trabajo, para colaborar entre todos a superar la situación actual. 

    Continuamos por lo tanto a su servicio, para asegurar que todos los medios navales puedan continuar su labor y que el puerto disponga de todas sus capacidades para responder a posibles emergencias y otras necesidades del sector. 

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  • Nueva certificación EN1090-1:2009+A1:2011- Componentes estructurales de acero y aluminio.

     Recientemente Astilleros Zamakona ha obtenido el certificado de conformidad de control de producción en fabrica según norma EN1090-1:2009+A1:2011- Componentes estructurales de acero y aluminio.

    Este certificado faculta a Astilleros Zamakona a entregar estructuras metálicas para el sector de la construcción y/o instalaciones portuarias con el correspondiente marcado CE. El marcado CE de las estructuras es de obligado cumplimiento desde el pasado 1 de julio de 2014.

    Según la Directiva Europea de Productos para la Construcción (DEPC), todos los productos fabricados para ser incorporados de forma permanente en obras de construcción, tanto edificación como obra civil  y portuaria , en todo el mercado interior de la Unión Europea deben estar en posesión de su marcado CE de acuerdo a las normas europeas de referencia.

    De esta forma Zamakona Yards ratifica su compromiso con Puertos del Estado para la prestación de servicios de nueva construcción y mantenimiento de todo tipo de rampas roro. Zamakona Yards ha construido rampas roro para los puertos de Bilbao, Pasajes, Tenerife, Huelva y nos encontramos en estos momentos ultimando el montaje de una rampa de 35 metros de longitud y 26 metros de anchura en el Musel para la Autoridad Portuaria de Gijón.”


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  • Zamakona Yards apuesta por la prevención de los riesgos laborales

    Recientemente nuestros trabajadores han tenido la oportunidad de participar en unas jornadas teórico prácticas sobre prevención de riesgos laborales centradas en los trabajos en altura, trabajos en espacios confinados y técnicas de prevención y extinción de incendios.


    Los cursos fueron impartidos por la prestigiosa mutua aseguradora ASEPEYO y para ello se habilitó un completo simulador donde se realizaron las prácticas.


    Para Zamakona Yards la seguridad es lo primero, y por ello invertimos constantemente en formación y medios para nuestros trabajadores pues cualquier esfuerzo en esta área es poco.

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    According to industry sources, 2012 will be the year that the Ballast Water Convention (BWM) will see ratication by IMO. Today, the total number of contracting Parties to the BWM Convention has reached 36, representing 29.07% of the world tonnage after ratification by Denmark (35% will be needed for the Convention to enter into force). In september 12th, IMO Secretary General – Koji Sekimizu urged a decisive action on ballast water. Eight years has passed since the Convention´s adoption.


    Why is the BWC so important?


    While ballast water is essential for safe and efficient modern shipping operations, it may pose serious ecological, economic and health problems due to the multitude of marine species carried in ships’ ballast water. These include bacteria, microbes, small invertebrates, eggs, cysts and larvae of various species. The transferred species may survive to establish a reproductive population in the host environment, becoming invasive, out-competing native species and multiplying into pest proportions.


    This video filmed by Smithsonian Institution explains how scientists are trying to prevent invasive species from hitching a ride to new ecosystems aboard.



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    Last week, during the EEA Grant Conference arranged by Innovation Norway and CDTI in Bergen, the Norwegian company Langlee Wave Power and Repnaval Shipyard (Zamakona Yards) signed an agreement to development of wave power in the Canary islands. The two companies will file a common application to the EEA grants for development of renewable energy in Spain.


    Langlee Wave Power AS has developed a unique technology to convert waves in the sea into electricity and the company consideres the Canary Islands to be the best place for wave power in Europe. The achipielago has a good and stabile wave climate and todays electricity, primary produced by diesel generators, is expensive and with a significant CO2 contribution. With the Langlee technology, electricity can be produced with lower cost by a renewable energy source. The development will create hundreds of local jobs.


    Langlee Wave Power has its head office near Oslo, Norway and has recently established a subsidary in Gran Canaria.


    Repnaval S.A. in Gran Canaria is part of Zamakona Yards which is one of Spain’s main shipbuilding and repair groups with more than 1.000 employees located also in Bilbao, San Sebastian and Las Palmas Gran Canaria.


    Proexca, the public company for economic development of the Canary Islands, has had an important role in making this cooperation happen.


    Langlee and Repnaval have in more than a year been in dialogues for a possible cooperation and have huge plans for development of wave power in the Canary Islands.


    Zamakona Yards believes the renewable energy is the future. Today, we are working in different projects in this area. We´ll continue reporting.


    For more information seewww.langleewavepower.com; www.proexca.es 



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    The International Marine Contractors Association has published a safety guidelines for Offshore Vessels when docks in port and harbours.


    Ship enter and leave ports regularly. Tying up a ship when alongside a berth or another vessel is potentially a very hazardous operation unless simple and effective safety procedures are followed. Mooring accidents are always on the list of personal injury accidents, often resulting in severe injuries or even fatalities.


    These are very simple guidelines marked by common sense, but that it can save of serious accidents and even human lives.

    For the mooring safety, the people involved in the operation has to have in mind several factors. We are going to look at these factors, according the Safety Guide of IMCA (IMCA M 214).



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