- Sep 28, 2020
- By admin
- In Construcción Naval, Zamakona Yards
ZAMAKONA YARDS keep good progress on the construction of its newbuild for Gitte Henning A/S, holding the start of the steel cutting for NB‐799 on 8th May and keel laying done on 14th July as scheduled. By end of the year, 80% of the steel fabrication will be completed.
NB‐799 will show up a number of environmentally friendly solutions, many of them new in pelagic fishing (two propellers and a twin‐skeg hull design, permanent magnet motors for propulsion and deck machinery, battery pack, etc…). Throughout the design process and in the choice of equipment, the focus has been on improving quality of the fish and reducing emissions through reduced energy consumption and efficient power production.
The whole steel blocks for the vessel are being manufactured at the facilities of the yard in Bilbao, Spain. Specially now, Zamakona Yards continue with its strategy of no outsourcing to low cost third countries, assuring best quality and delivery time for the steel structure of the vessel.
Factory Acceptance Test for main equipment are being done in several places in Europe.
Equipment installation will start in the beginning of 2021.
- Ago 18, 2020
- By admin
- In Construcción Naval, Zamakona Yards
Astilleros Zamakona construirá un buque para transporte de pescado vivo de 72 m de eslora por 17 de manga y una capacidad de carga de 2.200 m3 para la compañía noruega Intership AS. El buque tiene prevista su entrega en el primer trimestre de 2022.
Intership se estableció en 2014 y ha experimentado un fuerte crecimiento desde sus inicios. Intership ofrece una flota moderna con tecnología innovadora para e manejo, procesamiento y transporte sostenible de pescado. La capacidad total de la flota aumentará a más de 13.000 m3. Los ocho buques operan en Noruega, Chile, Escocia, Islandia y la costa este y oeste de Canadá.
Esta construcción operará en el este de Canadá dando servicio al mayor productor mundial de salmón atlántico: Mowi ASA.
El nuevo barco para transporte de pescado vivo se construirá en las instalaciones de Zamakona en Bilbao, basándose en un diseño de la ingeniería noruega NSK Ship Design. Además de promover la buena salud de los peces y reducir la propagación de enfermedades, el barco estará equipado con un sistema de ósmosis inversa totalmente integrado y una gran capacidad de producción en relación con el volumen de los tanques de pescado.
El buque será provisto de los más altos estándares tecnológicos en la reducción de emisiones a la atmosfera de gases CO2 y NOX.
El barco tiene capacidad para hasta 10 personas en camarotes individuales.
El Grupo ZAMAKONA YARDS cuenta con instalaciones en Santurtzi (Vizcaya), Pasajes (Guipúzcoa) y Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Islas Canarias), con más de 41 años de experiencia construyendo y reparando todo tipo de embarcaciones.
- Jun 19, 2020
- By admin
- In Zamakona Yards
Se convoca Junta General Ordinaria de accionistas, en la sede social, en primera convocatoria el día 20 de julio del 2020, a las 12 horas, y en segunda convocatoria al día siguiente en el mismo lugar y hora, con el siguiente
Orden del día
Primero. Examen y aprobación de las cuentas anuales del ejercicio 2.019 y aplicación de resultado del período.
Segundo. Aprobación de la gestión del Consejo de Administración en el ejercicio 2.019.
Tercero. Lectura y aprobación del Acta de la Junta.
Los accionistas pueden solicitar y obtener de forma inmediata y gratuita la documentación sometida a la aprobación de la Junta General.
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 15 de junio de 2020.
El Secretario del Consejo de Administración.
Álvaro Garaygordóbil García.
Junta General Ordinaria de accionistas ASISTENCIA NAVAL, S.A.
- Jun 19, 2020
- By admin
- In Zamakona Yards
Se convoca Junta General Ordinaria de accionistas, en la sede social, en primera convocatoria el día 20 de julio del 2020, a las 16 horas, y en segunda convocatoria al día siguiente en el mismo lugar y hora, con el siguiente
Orden del día
Primero. Examen y aprobación de las cuentas anuales del ejercicio 2.019 y aplicación de resultado del período.
Segundo. Aprobación de la gestión del Consejo de Administración en el ejercicio 2.019.
Tercero. Lectura y aprobación del Acta de la Junta.
Los accionistas pueden solicitar y obtener de forma inmediata y gratuita la documentación sometida a la aprobación de la Junta General.
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 15 de junio de 2020.
El Secretario del Consejo de Administración.
Álvaro Garaygordóbil García.
Junta General Ordinaria de accionistas TALLERES NAVALES PESQUEROS S.A.
- Jun 19, 2020
- By admin
- In Zamakona Yards
Se convoca Junta General Ordinaria de accionistas, en la sede social, en primera convocatoria el día 20 de julio del 2020, a las 10 horas, y en segunda convocatoria al día siguiente en el mismo lugar y hora, con el siguiente
Primero. Examen y aprobación de las cuentas anuales del ejercicio 2.019 y aplicación de resultado del período.
Segundo. Aprobación de la gestión del Consejo de Administración en el ejercicio 2.019.
Tercero. Lectura y aprobación del Acta de la Junta.
Los accionistas pueden solicitar y obtener de forma inmediata y gratuita la documentación sometida a la aprobación de la Junta General.
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 15 de junio de 2020.
El Secretario del Consejo de Administración.
Álvaro Garaygordóbil García.
Commencement of Steel Cutting for New Gitte Henning (NB 799)
- May 08, 2020
- By admin
- In Construcción Naval, Zamakona Yards
ZAMAKONA YARDS has begun constructing its newbuild for Gitte Henning AS, holding the start of the steel cutting for NB 799 as scheduled on 8th May.
NB 799 will have a number of environmentally friendly solutions, many of them new in pelagic fishing (two propellers and a twin-skeg hull design, permanent magnet motors for propulsion and deck machinery, battery pack, etc) . Throughout the design process and in the choice of equipment, the focus has been on improving quality of the fish and reducing emissions through reduced energy consumption and efficient power production.
“This new build represents our consolidation as one of the main shipbuilding yards into the pelagic trawler market after delivery of 7 vessels for shipowners in Scotland, and thus it is a very important milestone for us,” said Pedro Garaygordobil, Chairman of Zamakona Yards. “The project progresses in good cooperation with the customer and with the designer Salt Ship Design.”
The whole steel blocks for the vessel are going to be manufactured at the facilities of the yard in Bilbao, Spain. Specially now, Zamakona Yard continue with its strategy of no outsourcing to low cost third countries, assuring best quality and delivery time for the steel structure of the vessel.
Assembly of the ship sections at the slipway will then begin in July 2020.
Comunicado Oficial Zamakona Yards Canarias
- Mar 20, 2020
- By admin
- In Otros, Reparación Naval, Seguridad Laboral y Calidad, Zamakona Yards
Zamakonayards en Canarias ha sido considerado por el Departamento de Seguridad de la Autoridad Portuaria de Las Palmas como Instalación esencial dentro del Puerto de La Luz y de Las Palmas el cual es considerado una Instalación Crítica del Estado.
Como elemento esencial para la continuidad de los servicios de una Infraestructura Crítica del Estado Español, debemos permanecer abiertos y aportando nuestro trabajo, para colaborar entre todos a superar la situación actual.
Continuamos por lo tanto a su servicio, para asegurar que todos los medios navales puedan continuar su labor y que el puerto disponga de todas sus capacidades para responder a posibles emergencias y otras necesidades del sector.
Launching of the ARCTICA SIUANA
- Feb 03, 2020
- By admin
- In Construcción Naval, Zamakona Yards
Zamakona Yards reaches a new milestone with the launching of the first of the two 69 m reefer vessels to be built for the Greenlandic shipowner Royal Arctic Line A/S. Vessel will be named as SIUANA ARCTICA and will replace the existing vessel Pajuttaat built in 1979. Conceptual design is being carried out by the Norwegian company Havyard Design & Solutions.
Launching will take place on the 4th of February in the presence of representatives of the shipowner.
The ship is designed to operate in northwest Greenland and have greater capacity than current ship. The ship will have the flag of Greenland and outfitting works will continue afloat being delivery expected to be by summer 2020.
Zamakona Yards have closely worked with the shipowner and designer to provide the vessel with best performance at sea, maximum cargo capacity and high efficient cargo handling system.
Zamakona project team together with our partners for the different disciplines (piping, electricity, accommodation, painting, etc.) will ensure that Royal Arctic Line receives an state of the art vessel.
New green Gitte Henning
- Nov 28, 2019
- By admin
- In Construcción Naval, Fishing vessels, Zamakona Yards
GITTE HENNING fishing company is leading the way by bringing fishing in blue Denmark into a new, green age by contracting a new, environmentally friendly pelagic fishing vessel from the Spanish shipyard Zamakona in Bilbao.
Henning Kjeldsen says he initially intended to withdraw from fishing after the sale of Gitte Henning to the Faroe Islands, as well as receiving offers for all his pelagic fishing rights. After thinking about the future, I got cold feet doing nothing, and contacted Salt Ship Design, says Henning.
Together, Henning and Salt have now designed a new, green Gitte Henning. The new fishing vessel will have a number of environmentally friendly solutions, many of them new in pelagic fishing. Throughout the design process and in the choice of equipment, the focus has been on improving quality of the fish and reducing emissions through reduced energy consumption and efficient power production.
By ordering a new Gitte Henning it is the fourth time Henning Kjeldsen and the Sandvik family are designing a vessel together, and the second time Henning is ordering a Salt-design.
Propulsion and manoeuvring
The one large propeller that is common on pelagic trawlers has been replaced by two propellers and a twin-skeg hull design. Extensive flow analysis and model tests result is a more efficient stern and propeller design, which provides larger trawling pull and less fuel consumption during trawling. Large rudder angles are often needed on conventional fishing vessels to maintain course, even in moderate weather conditions. Two propellers provide the opportunity to steer the ship with minimal rudder impact, which reduces additional energy requirements during sailing and trawling.
Permanent Magnet Motor (PM)
The two propellers are powered by two electric Permanent Magnet (PM) motors. This type of motor has less electrical loss and can operate significantly more efficient than conventional electric motors throughout the power range – particularly at low engine speeds. Low propeller rpm has the following advantages:
- Better propeller efficiency at typical loading
- No need for reduction gear and thus no mechanical loss
- Reduced noise
Electrical winches
All winches are also powered by PM motors for reduced loss and optimal operation. Electrical winches provide the opportunity to regenerate, the other vice lost, energy when the trawl is set. This energy is available to other consumers and can, for example, be used for propulsion or RSW (refrigerated sea water) cooling. Conventional hydraulic winches and fishing pumps require a system with a significant amount of hydraulic oil. The risk of hydraulic oil spill to sea is eliminated by choosing electric winches.
RSW cooling and fish quality
The RSW area at the new Gitte Henning is arranged in a new way that gives inner surfaces of the RSW tanks a smooth finish with no obstructions or sharp edges. The vessel is equipped with four independent cooling systems, with four RSW tanks per facility. This provides a more efficient cooling process by only cooling parts of the fish tank volume at the time, resulting in an optimal, energy saving cooling system. In addition, the capacity of the vacuum system for unloading has been increased by 40% compared to normal unloading capacity.
Overall, this will provide a more careful handling of the fish that will improve quality.
Electrical operation
All electric motors, from winches to pumps, are frequency controlled. This will provide a more customised power supply and hence reduce the overall energy consumption.
Diesel Electric
Five diesel generators, located in two separate engine rooms for the best possible safety and working environment, supply the propulsion PM motors and all other energy consumers on board. All generators are equipped with catalytic converter (SCR) to reduce emissions and meet new and stricter IMO Tier III requirements.
The energy requirements of a pelagic trawler fluctuate significantly with varying weather, operational conditions, cooling requirements, speed, etc. The number and size of generators are chosen to optimize the power balance based on the vessel specific operational profile and give the diesel engine optimum operating conditions and thus high efficiency.
To further improve the operating conditions of the diesel engines, Henning has invested in a large battery pack that support the generators when the load is high and recharges when the load is low. Regenerated power from the winches during trawling also helps to charge the battery pack.
In this way, the diesel engine will not experience the large load variations which in itself gives a fuel reduction of the range of ~ 10% based on the experience of other diesel electric vessels. So called ‘Peak Shaving’, i.e. the battery is ‘shaving’ the load peaks.
The batteries are located in a separate room, thus providing an additional source of emergency power in addition to the diesel generators in the two engine rooms. In addition, they will significantly reduce noise and emissions in port.
Main Data
- Length: 87.60 m
- Width: 20.00 m
- Generator: Yanmar
- PM motors: Brunvoll
- Propeller: Brunvoll
- Side thrusters: Brunvoll
- Winches: Evotec
- Cranes: SeaQuest
- Electric fishing pumps: SeaQuest
- Fish Handling: C-Flow
- RSW: Johnson Control
- Builder: Zamakona
- Design: Salt Ship Design
Junta General Ordinaria de accionistas ASISTENCIA NAVAL, S.A.
- May 27, 2019
- By admin
- In Sin categoría
Se convoca Junta General Ordinaria de accionistas, en la sede social, en primera convocatoria el día 29 de junio de 2019, a las 16 horas, y en segunda convocatoria al día siguiente en el mismo lugar y hora, con el siguiente
Orden del día
Primero. Examen y aprobación de las cuentas anuales del ejercicio 2.018 y aplicación de resultado del período.
Segundo. Aprobación de la gestión del Consejo de Administración en el ejercicio 2.018.
Tercero. Lectura y aprobación del Acta de la Junta.
Los accionistas pueden solicitar y obtener de forma inmediata y gratuita la documentación sometida a la aprobación de la Junta General.
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 27 de mayo de 2019.
El Secretario del Consejo de Administración. Álvaro Garaygordóbil García.
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