CONSULTATION ON MARINE KNOWLEDGE 2020: from seabed mapping to ocean forecasting

Last August 29th, the European Commission published the Green Paper “Marine Knowledge 2020 from seabed mapping to ocean forecasting”.


This Green Paper opened a debate on the best strategy for moving forward to accessible, sustainable digital mapping of European seabeds, as well as timely information on the present and past physical, chemical and biological state of the overlying water column and forecasts for the future, together with a process that helps Member States maximise the potential of their marine observation, sampling and surveying programmes.


The European Commission, via Maritime Affairs, welcomes contributions from citizens, organisations and public authorities.


If you wish, you can also reply in an individual capacity. All contributions will be published on the internet although the names of those replying in an individual capacity will not be published. No contact details will be published.


The Commission has set up a website for responses. You can consult the Green Paper here, and you can leave your opinion in this poll. This website will be open till 15 December 2012.


This is a great chance to express your opinion about this matter in an open poll. Do not miss this opportunity.

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