  • Zamakona Yards Canary Islands – Important Release

    Zamakonayards in the Canary Islands has been considered by the Security Department of Las Palmas Port Authority as an essential facility within the Port of Las Palmas which is considered a Critical State Facility. 

    As an essential element for the continuity of the services of a Critical Infrastructure of the Spanish State, we must remain open and contribute with our work, to collaborate among all of us to overcome the current situation. 

    We therefore continue to be at your service, to ensure that all naval resources can continue their work and that the port has all its capacities to respond to possible emergencies and other needs of the sector. 

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  • Balance of SINAVAL 2017

    On March 31th ended another edition of SINAVAL, a meeting that is considered one of the main references of the naval sector in Spain and Europe. This year, for the first time, it was part of the Maritime World Week program, along with the Marine Energy Week, Eurofishing and FuturePort fairs, which were held at the Bilbao Exhibition Center of the Basque Country.

    According to the organization, a total of 1,747 professionals attended to this event to learn about the latest technological advances and to look for new business opportunities in the “blue economy” or the industries of the sea. This industry currently moves 275 billion euros in the European Union. In addition, 100 speakers from 16 different countries took part in the round tables and seminars, being able to show their specialized vision on various aspects of maritime news.

    Among all these presentations, it is worth mentioning the one carried out by the Basque Maritime Forum, an organization that brings together associations, public institutions and companies from the Basque maritime sector. This presentation analysed the situation of the naval industry and its prospects in Spain and in the Basque Country. It was stated that for this year 2017 there is “a slight tendency of improvement”, having as the main challenge of “recovering levels of activity that consolidate the Industry and enable to regain their position and prestige in the international market “.

    Furthermore, this organization announced that in the first months of 2017, the Basque shipyards, which currently have a portfolio of 33% of the total national orders, have matched the contract figures formalized last year. Thus, the orders to the shipyards of the Basque Autonomous Community are 20 out of a total of 55 orders in the private sector in Spain, and where Zamakona Yards owns 10 projects out of the total accounted.

    In order to continue this trend and be sustainable over time, the Basque Maritime Forum has launched its new Strategic Plan 2017-2020 to “deal with competitiveness” in the new economic scenario, with the aim of strengthening internationalization, to foster the cooperation between enterprises, training and innovation.

    For Zamakona Yards, it is always a satisfaction to support and participate at SINAVAL, as it allows us to show our capabilities and be in direct contact with the public institutions, clients, providers and the naval industry form Spain and Europe.

    Sources of information (in Spanish): Diario Vasco and Bilbao Exhibition Center

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  • The world fishing fleet state according to the FAO

    The nutrition of the human has made fishing an essential practice and consequently has been the origin of the naval construction. This sector has been able to contribute in each moment f history solutions that have covered the needs of the fishing industry.

    In recent years, the fishing sector is facing big challenges due to a demand for greater profitability and performance, in addition to obey the different regulations regarding respect for the environment in all its aspects. To meet these challenges, the sector has reduced direct costs as the number of employees and has also been benefited by the price of fuel.

    As for the challenge of being more environmentally friendly, the gases such as CO2 and NOx have become a growing problem in a global perspective. To reduce these emissions, many governments plan to replicate land-based emissions taxes on emissions from ships in their fishing activities.

    While steps are being taken in the above mentioned, legislative changes are taking place regarding the specifications of fishing vessels, such as in the European Union, which foresees in the middle of the year 2017 to adopt a new regulation that grants to the Commission European competence to adapt the requirements for determining the continuous power of the engine to the technical developments and possible changes in the international ISO standards.

    World capture fisheries and aquaculture productionAccording to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in its latest biennial published report on the state of world fisheries and aquaculture (SOFIA), estimated that in 2014, there were 4.6 million fishing vessels, with Asia and Africa being the regions with the highest number of registrations, since they account for 90% of the total number of vessels worldwide.

    From a technical point of view, according to the same FAO report, 64% of registered vessels are engine-powered, an increase of 7% compared to the previous report for 2012. This report also states that in 2014, approximately 85 per cent of the world’s motorized fishing vessels were less than 12 meters long, and these small vessels dominated in all regions.

    In terms of capacity, and if we focus on Europe, the EuroStat Service estimates that in 2015 the European Union had a combined capacity of 1.6 million gross tons and a combined engine power of 6.4 million kilowatts. It is also noted that almost one-fifth (18.2%) of the EU-28 fishing fleet is registered in Greece. In terms of capacity, Spain, France, Italy and the United Kingdom had the largest fishing fleets, accounting for 53.9% of gross tonnage and 55.6% of engine power in 2015.

    There are positive data in the sector, such as the profitability of the sector. The European fishing fleet continues to be profitable, with net profits of 770 million euros in 2014, more than 50% above last year’s profits, according to the latest annual report prepared by the European Commission which also foresees record profits in the year 2016.

    In the case of Spain, it recorded a net profit margin of 16.5%, the third highest percentage in the EU, only surpassed by Slovenia (35.7%) and the United Kingdom (18.3%). Ireland, Latvia, Estonia and Portugal also had a profit margin of more than 10% in 2014.

    The outlook for fish and fisherie products trade by 2025, according to FAO, is also positive. Trade will continue to be high, driven mainly by increased consumption of fishery products, trade liberalization policies, globalization of food systems, technological innovations in shipbuilding, product development conservation, packaging and transport.

    All these data suggest that in the medium and long term the fishing fleet will continue to grow or will need to introduce elements of innovation in the existing fleet. Therefore, the naval sector has the opportunity to continue growing and providing added value to this sector with solutions that are more respectful of the environment and that can be applied to the current fleet, as well as the building of new ships according to the new demands of the ship-owners and legislative requirements in all respects.

    In this sense, Zamakona Yards has implemented the latest concepts of design and construction, as well as the most advanced technology in engineering and naval architecture in all the constructions, repairs and refit for the fishing vessels.

    If you want to read the full report of the FAO, you can download it here

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    Zamakona Yards will be present at SINAVAL 2017

    According to the latest UNCTAD report on the maritime sector, Maritime Review 2016 , the maritime transport will continue to be the main mode of transport for the international trade, since it has the lowest impact per tonne / mile of cargo transported. This is reflected, for example, in the fact that the world fleet has increased by 3.48% to reach up to 90,916 vessels worldwide with a combined capacity of 1.8 billion deadweight tonnes (DWT).

    In the specific case of Spain, the naval sector is one of the main reference points in the world for its quality and construction tradition, with high standards in sophisticated vessels in terms of technology such as those that support offshore oil platforms, oceanographic vessels, Fishing, tugs, etc.

    For all of this and in order to put into value the capabilities of the Spanish naval sector Bilbao helds every two years the SINAVAL fair, an event that has more than 20 editions and this year is integrated for the first time in the World Maritime Week along with the Marine Energy Week, Eurofishing and FuturePort fairs from 27 to 31 March 2017 at the Bilbao Exhibition Center.

    This congress will offer different programs such as the organization of b2b meetings, seminars with international speakers, round tables to discuss the future for its four areas: naval, port, fishing and marine renewable energies. It is s expected to recieve shipowners and shipyards from 19 countries.

    The World Maritime Week will bring together leading companies in its exhibition area that will be organized by sectors in different areas. Zamakona Yards, which is also part of the companies collaborating in this prestigious event, will be present through a space to present the latest developments and projects.

    If you are planning to attend World Maritime Week and wish to visit us we will be happy to assist you in the pavilion LU B-38/40 C-29/31 or if you wish you can send us an email to tell us your best day and time to meet us.

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  • Salon Halieutis Agadir

    Zamakona Yards will be present at the Salon Halieutis 2017 in Agadir

    There is no doubt that Morocco, due to its double slope, Atlantic and Mediterranean, is one of the most relevant players in the fishing sector. It counts with 3,500 kilometres of coastline that offers a rich diversity in marine biodiversity and a specific specificity of the ecosystem. It is one of the main drivers of the economy of Morocco and a priority sector in the government strategy of Horizon 2020.

    According to official sources, Moroccan waters constitute an exclusive area of 1 million square kilometres, where one million of fish tonnes is produced, thanks to the 1,800 coastal fishing boats, 14,000 artisanal vessels and 356 fishing boats for high seas.

    The Moroccan fisheries sector enjoys international prestige which has enabled it to become the leading producer of fish in Africa and the world’s largest producer and exporter of sardines (sardina pilchardus). Currently, Morocco has signed different agreements related with the fish sector with the European Union and Russia.

    In order to put up the value of the Moroccan fishing sector, the Salon Halieutis is celebrated every two years. This fourth edition will take place between the 15th and 19th February 2017, consolidating itself as a platform for business, communication, promotion, search for partners , Cooperation and innovation.

    A space that will have 16,000 square meters of exhibition and with five main axes:

    ·         Fleet and gear

    ·         Valuation and procesess

    ·         Institutional

    ·         International

    ·         Animation

    This edition is expected to brake the record of the previous edition, with the assistance of more than 36 countries, with more than 350 exhibitors and surpass the number of 50,000 visitors.

    Challenger vesselFor all this, Zamakona Yards will once again participate in this international event, with the objective of offering to the Moroccan and international fishing sector the services that our group offers specifically to the sector, such as the design, newbuid, repair and the refit of specialized vessels in any of our three shipyards located in the Canary Islands (Las Palmas Port) and in the Basque Country, specifically in the ports of Pasajes and Bilbao. A good example of our experience in the fishing industry of these types of vessels are the latest tuna vessels equipped with the most current technologies such as the Ízaro, Ljubica, Challenge and the Jai Alai.

    If you are planning to attend the Salon Halieutis, visit us at our stand (121/122) or send us an email to specify the day and time that suits you best to meet us.

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  • Juan de la cosa

    New drydocking of the vessel JUAN DE LA COSA

    ASTILLEROS ZAMAKONA PASAIA S.L., finished last week the repair and maintenance services on drydock of the sanitary vessel of salvage and maritime assistance “JUAN DE LA COSA” of the SOCIAL INSTITUTE OF THE NAVY.


    The vessel of 75mts LOA and 14 mts of breadth, has needed several works of repair and general maintenance related to the requirements of this kind of vessel activities indicated by the Captainship and Classification Society, as well as some check of the main equipment of the vessel, as azimuth propellers, shaft, or stabilizer fins.


    Juan de La CosaIt’s to be pointed out the full dissasembly of the propellers under the surveyance of the equipment maker’s technicians Wartsila.


    The elastic chocks of the main engines have been also changed and the whole shaft lines have been aligned again.


    Finally, other scheduled maintenance and corrective tasks have been made out on the structure, piping and other equipment.


    The relationship of our shipyards with this vessel through the years has been a constant. With this one, they already are 8 times that a vessel of the SOCIAL INSTITUTE OF THE NAVY contrates our services of drydocking and maintenance, this time at our shipyard of Pasaia, and we want to express them from these lines our gratitude for entrusting us. We hope to be able to provide them with this service again as well as the rest of their fleet.


    The works have been made out in strait collaboration with the technical advisory of the owner BILBAO PLAZA MARITIMA SHIPPING, S.L. and we want to thank to their technicians their cooperation and professionalism along these weeks of intense activity.


    ASTILLEROS ZAMAKONA PASAIA S.L. apart from building vessel of latest generation, makes also repairs and maintenance of vessels, both afloat and on drydock, for this purpose we counts with a floating dock with charge capacity of 4.900 tons for vessels until 100mts of LOA and 23 mts of breadth.



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  • REPNAVAL starts the New Year with a full house!

    REPNAVAL, the shipyard, belonging to our group, Zamakona Yards in Las Palmas De Gran Canaria, has started the New Year in the best way possible, with a near capacity occupancy. What better way to start the year than with marvelous weather of 24ºC and multiple projects in our shipyard.

    We would like to thank our loyal customers for once again entrusting their vessels to us to repair and put into condition to return to sea again.

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  • The new slipway Number 4 with a máximum capacity of 5500 Tons

    Since finishing the adaptation work on our slipway Nº 4 of our REPNAVAL Shipyard at the Port of Las Palmas which can service vessels up to 126 M length and 5500 Tons we haven’t stopped working on vessels which we could not accommodate previously with our limited capacity. Thus, recently, we have drydocked the Vessel “Angel” (before, “Caliope”) of 113 M and 3500 Tons and we are now drydocking the pontoon Koca Yusuf of 92 M length and 27.5 M width. All of which means that the effort and investment we have made w justifiable as shown by the enthusiastic reception and demand of our customers for the drydocking of their vessels.


    Carro Repnaval

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  • The Spanish Hospital Ships, “Juan De La Cosa” and “Esperanza Del Mar” repaired in Zamakona Yards

    Recently, we’ve successfully carried out repairs and maintenance simultaneously on the two emblematic government owned hospital ships, Juan De La Cosa and Esperanza Del Mar.


    It occurred that the two vessels were repaired simultaneously. The vessel Juan De La Cosa was repaired at Zamakona Pasaia yard at San Sebastian and the Esperanza Del Ma” at our yard, Repnaval, in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.


    Both projects were offered at public bidding and our proposals were the winners. We take great pride in being able to offer our services to these two emblematic vessels which are carrying out such important work in attending to the needs of our fishing men in the areas where they are working.

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  • Zamakona Yards signed a partnership agreement with British company Subsea Masters specialized in maintenance and repair of drilling equipment

    With this agreement the Basque-Canarian Group further expands its range of services adapted to the offshore industry.


    The Subsea Masters is a subsidiary of the GEV Offshore group based in UK. They will permanently be based in Zamakona Yards´ facilities and dedicate primarily to the maintenance and repair of drilling equipment, especially the drill pipes or Risers. These works will be undertaken with the support of Zamakona Yards´ staff.


    This agreement intends to respond to the demand that platforms and driller vessels operating on the West African coast require on this type of service, and if anything else, add more attractiveness to the Las Palmas Port as a base for repair of these floating giants.

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